Why are we afraid of spiders? What are we really afraid of?
Why are we really afraid of spiders. Research has found the predominant fear of spiders extends from our feelings of disgust. The disgust is brought upon from the long legs, enlarged abdomen, and the presence of body hair that is exhibited on the arachnid all over. This is just based on physical features.
Many have found that the fear of spiders is brought upon by early experiences in childhood that later cause the fear. if such is the case then it is certainly crude to create a nursery rhyme for children that tells the story of a spider that despite the odds of rain it perseveres to climb up to the water spout. At that point, the logical assumption would be that the spider would then enter your home through the said spout and make a home in your home.
Another reason that people fear the arachnid is because of what were to happen in their encounter with one. Now many are not inclined with the knowledge of what species a spider is when observed by the naked eye. All spiders may not be harmful but one does not remember the time they heard of a story when they were bit by a spider and nothing happened. When they recollect a spider incident they think of the time when someone died from a spider bite and had no idea how it came about or a time when a spider bite left someone paralyzed. The "good" is overlooked and fear is put in place as a defense and safety mechanism so as to not have to be the next person on the news for being murdered by an arachnid.
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